Democratic Republic Of The Congo Faces Ebola Outbreak

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International Medical Corps Is Helping to Respond to New Cases of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

In late July 2018, an outbreak of Ebola in a northwest province of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was officially declared over. Yet on August 1, the government confirmed new cases of the deadly virus in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, roughly 750 miles from the earlier outbreak. Since then, the outbreak has grown to become the second-largest ever, exceeded in size only by the 2014 outbreak in West Africa.
As part of our efforts to build local response capacity, we built, opened and operated an Ebola Treatment Center (ETC) in Makeke (now being transitioned to a hospital for the community) and are currently operating an ETC in Mangina, the initial epicenter of the outbreak. In addition to providing treatment, vaccination and contact tracing, International Medical Corps has constructed more than 30 screening-and-referral units throughout the region. We remain in close contact with the Ministry of Health, local health officials and the international community to identify any additional support we can provide.

International Medical Corps’ Emergency Response Team (ERT), which already was in DRC responding to the Equateur Province outbreak, is continuing to work with the Ministry of Health to help with infection prevention, monitoring and surveillance.