The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Fighting Cholera in 2024: What You Should Know

In 2024, nobody needs to die because of cholera. We have already eradicated it in many countries. After major outbreaks in the 19th century, Europe and North America have eliminated cholera by improving water and sanitation infrastructure. We can easily treat cholera. Drinking an oral rehydration solution (water with added sugar and salts) helps most …

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How We Fight Preventable Disease Through Vaccinations

Every year, approximately 4 million deaths are prevented by childhood vaccinations. In countries around the world, International Medical Corps delivers lifesaving immunizations—especially to children under 5—in underserved, hard-to-reach communities. In honour of World Immunization Week (April 24–30), we’re sharing the stories of our teams in a few of these countries across Africa and the Middle …

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Malaria: What Should You Know?

Malaria is a life-threatening disease that causes neurologic problems and can lead to death if it goes untreated. Nearly half a million children under 5 die from malaria each year in Africa—roughly one death each minute. In Cameroon, the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) recently began the world’s first routine immunization program against the mosquito-borne …

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October Snapshots 2023

Responding to the Cholera Outbreak in Ethiopia International Medical Corps works in Ethiopia to provide treatment for malnourished children as well as programs in food security, livelihoods, comprehensive healthcare, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Ethiopia is one of several countries experiencing recurrent cholera outbreaks. Cholera is a waterborne disease spread by eating food or …

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Bringing Vaccines to Children in Remote Areas of Cameroon

Immunization means protection. Before International Medical Corps began offering primary health and nutrition services in Oshie, a village in Northwest Cameroon, the integrated health center (IHC) was not functional. This meant that people living in the town and its surrounding villages had to travel to Njikwa District Hospital, which is 8 km (5 miles) away …

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Battling an Outbreak of Skin Diseases

Editor’s Note: This week, we publish the first in a series of features written by Arshad Ali Sodhro, a community mobilizer in Pakistan, where International Medical Corps has worked since 1985. In 2022, the country experienced an extreme monsoon season, with weeks of heavy rainfall causing widespread flooding and landslides. Some 33 million people were …

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How Climate Change Will Change the Future of Humanitarian Response

With each passing day, climate change is getting more real. It does not distinguish between the rich or the poor, the powerful or the weak. Sooner or later, every person on the planet will feel its effects—and a growing body of evidence indicates it will be sooner rather than later. As a global humanitarian organisation, …

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Daring to Dream

Editor’s Note: International Medical Corps’ Yemen Blog presents a rare view of life in Yemen, chronicled by our first responders as they battle one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters—one fueled by poverty, hunger, disease and a seemingly endless war, now in its ninth year. The entry below is the second written by Dr. Esmail …

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Serving on the Front Lines of Disaster Medicine

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina ripped through large areas of the American South, decimating homes, businesses and hospitals, and leaving thousands of people across Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi in despair. Native Mississippian John Roberts, in college at the time, volunteered to help local communities recover. What he saw there inspired him to become an emergency- and …

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New Health Clinics Bring Hope to Rural Afghanistan

When the Zeruk district of Paktika province was hit by an earthquake last year, International Medical Corps staff were among the first responders. And the work has continued, with health teams from eastern Afghanistan travelling rural roads in pick-up trucks to conduct assessments and share best practices with the staff members of a new International …

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