The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Learning and Sharing Lessons in Lviv

Since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine in February 2022, International Medical Corps’ response has grown from a team of 30 based in Mariupol, in the southeast, to some 400 staff members working from locations around the country. Our response has always evolved—as the population’s needs have shifted, we have shifted our operations …

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Malnutrition Training Saves Yemeni Mothers’ and Babies’ Lives

35-year-old Libia knows the harsh reality of living with food insecurity. A few years ago, she lost her youngest child to complications caused by malnutrition, and the loss haunts her every day. However, as a parent and farmer in rural Al Dhale’e governorate, one of the regions of Yemen hardest-hit by conflict, food shortages and …

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June Snapshots 2024

Increasing Ukrainian Mothers’ Knowledge About Nutrition International Medical Corps battles malnutrition by providing quality nutrition services during crisis and recovery, when communities are most vulnerable. We’re addressing nutrition needs in 20 countries and territories, including Ukraine. On International Children’s Day in June, our Nutrition team in Ukraine held an event in Irpin—a suburb of Kyiv …

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Helping Government Partners Better Navigate an Emergency Response

International Medical Corps’ Humanitarian Response Training Unit (HRTU) is responsible for strengthening the capacity of humanitarians, helping NGOs and governments to become better first responders. Twice a year, the HRTU team holds training simulations for senior staff members from any US government agency that interacts with our largest donor, the Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), …

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Building Trust and Health in Venezuela’s Indigenous Communities

When International Medical Corps staff members visit the small and remote villages in the Orinoco River Basin of Venezuela, the local populations are eager to learn how to take care of their health. Without easy access to the state healthcare system, our mobile medical units (MMUs) often provide the best—and only—access to healthcare services and …

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Special Visits Help Libya Field Teams

Humanitarian needs caused by catastrophic flooding have persisted in northeast Libya since torrential rains from Storm Daniel caused two dams to collapse upstream from the coastal city of Derna in September 2023. The disaster exacerbated already-limited capacity in hospitals and primary healthcare (PHC) facilities—characterised by medication and staff shortages, infrastructure damage and insufficient equipment. During …

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Skills-Based Training Helps Doctors Treat Chronic Diseases

In times of war, treatable medical conditions can turn deadly when health facilities are damaged or destroyed. This brutal reality rings true in Ukraine. In 2021, before the Russian invasion launched the country into full-blown war, 91% of deaths were from chronic diseases, also known as noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Currently, 9 million people in Ukraine …

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Tailoring Brings Financial Freedom to Women in Pakistan

Due to entrenched income inequality, many women around the world struggle to earn enough money to support their families. For Afghan refugee women in Pakistan, this challenge can be even more overwhelming. Due to cultural constraints, they often don’t have access to the training courses necessary to learn income-generating skills. Through our women’s economic empowerment …

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A Shared Global Vision: Our Top 10 Images from 2023

Like so many recent years, 2023 was a year of challenge and heartbreak for too many communities worldwide—wars rage on, the dangerous effects of climate change are on the rise and millions of people have been displaced from their homes, facing an uncertain future. Yet with the help of our global community of generous supporters, …

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Press Release

International Medical Corps Joins Others at COP28 to Offer Solutions to the Health Impacts of Climate Change

A leader in emergency humanitarian response, as well as healthcare development and training in fragile and conflict-affected states, International Medical Corps will present on the health impacts of climate change at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), which will be held November 30–December 12 in Dubai, UAE. The global first responder’s representatives at …

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