Flooding and Humanitarian Needs Surge in South Sudan

International Medical Corps’ dedicated team is providing lifesaving services to flood-affected communities.

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Community Response Team Braves Floods to Help Yemen’s Isolated Communities

“The rains were relentless. Severe flooding turned the roads into barriers, making it nearly impossible to reach those in need,” says Dr. Mahmoud Hussien Mohammed Abdullah. The local doctor is describing the vicious floods that swept through Yemen in September 2024. A result of an unusually heavy rainy season that lasted from July until the …

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How Do You Help Hungry Yemeni Families? You Give Mothers Cash

Imagine waking up every morning and not knowing where your next meal will come from. Your country’s economy has collapsed, inflation is skyrocketing and your husband’s daily wage is so small you’re uncertain if you’ll be able to afford basic items like food, clothes or toiletries. For a long time, this was a daily reality …

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Breastfeeding Is a Matter of Life or Death in Rural Yemen

Falastine’s infant son wouldn’t stop crying. The one-month-old cried as his exhausted mother tended the goats on the rocky slopes of Al Dhale’e governorate in Yemen. He cried as she harvested vegetables and collected water from the well. And he cried as his father worked as an agricultural laborer, seldom bringing home enough money to …

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Bringing Clean Water to Nine Yemeni Villages

After a decade of civil war, the situation in Yemen has been called one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time. Amid the conflict, widespread poverty, disease, food insecurity and overburdened healthcare systems, one of the key challenges involves providing water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) assistance. Clean and safe drinking water is essential to …

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August Snapshots 2024

Assisting Children Affected by the War in Gaza Every child deserves a chance. To safeguard the well-being and rights of children affected by conflict in Gaza, we are providing child protection and mental health services for children at our field hospitals while training caregivers to recognise signs that a child needs mental health support. Our …

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Malnutrition Training Saves Yemeni Mothers’ and Babies’ Lives

35-year-old Libia knows the harsh reality of living with food insecurity. A few years ago, she lost her youngest child to complications caused by malnutrition, and the loss haunts her every day. However, as a parent and farmer in rural Al Dhale’e governorate, one of the regions of Yemen hardest-hit by conflict, food shortages and …

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April Snapshots 2024

Providing Health Services in Venezuela Venezuela’s severe economic crisis has weakened its healthcare system, with many health facilities lacking the basic supplies needed to provide primary healthcare and to prevent and treat illnesses. In addition to providing staff to conduct medical consultations, we’ve helped to strengthen the health system in Venezuela by providing training for …

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How Cash Assistance Helps Children Living Through Conflict

When Khaled returns home from working long shifts at the car painting shop, he’s greeted by the seven younger siblings he provides for. Their house is run-down and has only basic furniture. There’s not enough food to feed them all—or even enough warm clothes for the winter. Khaled is only 13 years old. A Syrian …

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How We Fight Preventable Disease Through Vaccinations

Every year, approximately 4 million deaths are prevented by childhood vaccinations. In countries around the world, International Medical Corps delivers lifesaving immunizations—especially to children under 5—in underserved, hard-to-reach communities. In honour of World Immunization Week (April 24–30), we’re sharing the stories of our teams in a few of these countries across Africa and the Middle …

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March Snapshots 2024

Supporting Earthquake-Affected Communities in Morocco Six months after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Morocco—the country’s deadliest since 1960 and the most powerful in more than a century— we’re still on the ground working with local authorities and partners to provide support in the areas affected by the quakes. When the quake hit, we immediately sent an …

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