2021 marked the 30th anniversary of the 16 Days Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) campaign. But even after three decades, much work remains to be done. Tragically, the World Health Organization estimates that one in three women will face physical, mental or sexual abuse in their lifetimes — and since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, countries worldwide have seen an alarming rise in reported violence against women.
Because we work every day to change these awful statistics, International Medical Corps joined the global community in raising awareness of GBV during the 16 Days campaign from November 25 through December 10. Here’s a quick overview of just a few of the activities our teams engaged in.
Our team in Gambella was awarded a certificate of appreciation for their outstanding contribution to combating gender-based violence in the community. They received the certificate during a 16 Days event organized by the Gambella Regional State Bureau of Women, Children’s and Youth Affairs, and the Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association. Congratulations to our team!

Our team at the Domiz refugee camp in Iraq hosted awareness sessions activities and invited people to take a stand against gender-based violence.

In Jounieh, Mount Lebanon, our GBV team invited a group of women for an interactive theater session about domestic violence. During this session, women took turns changing the scenario of the play to find possible solutions to the case. The play also included a scene with our social worker, who explained how women could reach out for help.

In the Akkar district, our GBV team hosted awareness sessions and activities at the primary healthcare center in Talmaayan.

In Bekaa and Saida, our teams hosted a series of interactive awareness sessions for different groups of women.

In Tyre, South Lebanon, we highlighted 16 Days by inviting a group of women for an interactive awareness session in one of our primary healthcare centers.

Our team and community members kicked off the 16 Days campaign by holding a series of community activities where they discussed the importance of the campaign and how everyone can work together to end violence against women and girls.

In Haripur, our team hosted a one-day meeting with key stakeholders to discuss the persistent challenges of gender-based violence, show solidarity and move forward with a collaborative approach to support survivors.

Our Pakistan team concluded the 16 Days campaign by celebrating Human Rights Day on December 10. They held an awareness session with community members where they discussed the link between Human Rights Day and 16 Days. Through a dynamic dialogue with community members, our team emphasized that society can flourish only by creating equal opportunities for all and by applying human-rights standards.

South Sudan
Our teams held sports-based awareness-raising sessions and marched to stand in solidarity with people all over the world demanding a safer, more just world for all.

We’re inspired by all of those around the world committed to protecting women and girls against gender-based violence!
Though this year’s 16 Days campaign has ended, we’ll continue to work as hard as ever, 365 days a year, to tackle GBV in all of its forms. You can join us in those efforts. Sign up for emails and learn how, together, we can make the world a better place for us all.