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International Medical Corps Mourns the Passing of Richard Riordan

International Medical Corps mourns the passing of our beloved friend and longtime supporter, Richard Riordan, one of International Medical Corps’ earliest board members.

In the mid-1980s, as a Los Angeles-based humanitarian organisation with one programme at that time in Afghanistan, International Medical Corps was fortunate to have Riordan join our Board of Directors at an especially critical time. Riordan offered his heart, support and guidance, and even donated our first office space—in the guest house of his Los Angeles home. Riordan also travelled in 2005 to Indonesia following the Indian Ocean tsunami, where he helped with International Medical Corps’ response and recovery efforts in the aftermath of that disaster. Since our founding, operating today with a staff of more than 8,000 worldwide, we have delivered $4.2 billion in training and assistance to tens of millions of people in more than 80 countries.

“Dick was a giant in our community and in our organisation. His savvy as a businessman was matched by his generosity and passion for teaching and training medics in war-torn Afghanistan,“ said Robert R. Simon, Founder and Chairman of the Board.

“We have lost a tremendous man and philanthropist who cared deeply about children and investing in people in underserved communities around the world. Our deepest sympathies are with his cherished family, his wife Elizabeth, his three children, Mary Beth, Kathy and Trish, and their families,” said Nancy A. Aossey, President and CEO.