The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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How Cash Assistance Helps Children Living Through Conflict

When Khaled returns home from working long shifts at the car painting shop, he’s greeted by the seven younger siblings he provides for. Their house is run-down and has only basic furniture. There’s not enough food to feed them all—or even enough warm clothes for the winter. Khaled is only 13 years old. A Syrian …

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December Snapshots 2023

Bringing Vital Mental Health Services to Ukraine The Russian invasion of Ukraine has had significant effects on the mental health of people throughout the country. International Medical Corps has a long history of working both directly and with local partner organisations in Ukraine to provide mental health services to people affected by the unseen wounds …

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The Midwife Touch

Every two minutes, a woman in some part of the world dies from pregnancy or childbirth. But it does not end there. When a mother dies, her newborn child is 10 times more likely to die. Almost 99% of maternal and child deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, with Africa being the hardest-hit continent. …

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Helping Girls in Jordan Escape Violence and Change the World

While working as a child protection case manager in Jordan’s Al Zaa’tari refugee camp, Heba Lutfi—who’s currently our Child Protection Team Leader and the co-chair of the camp’s Child Protection, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Sub-Working Group—received a heartbreaking case. A 16-year-old girl was suffering from severe abuse: her life was being threatened by her husband, …

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Mental Health Care in Jordan Is Just a Click Away

A woman we’ll call Samah is a 38-year-old Jordanian working at a local university. She is divorced and lives alone, and although she has relatives, her relations with them have been strained for a long time. Family tensions and economic hardships have caused psychological stress for her. She felt trapped and hopeless, and did not …

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Celebrating World Breastfeeding Week, from Ukraine to Jordan

This week, International Medical Corps is proud to be celebrating World Breastfeeding Week. This year focuses on “strengthening the capacity of actors that have to protect, promote and support breastfeeding across different levels of society.” According to the United Nations, progress is being made on exclusive breastfeeding, with nearly 44% of infants under six months …

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Ending Mental Health Stigma, One Story at a Time

Mental health is a topic that not everyone is comfortable talking about with close friends and family. Sharing personal stories of struggle with the rest of the world is even more difficult. But what if you could witness the lives of people and their journey of recovery from mental health conditions through their eyes? In …

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Snapshots April 2022

Providing Supplies Where They’re Needed Most Our teams worldwide embody commitment. No matter what obstacles confront them, our staff in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) always find a way to ensure that crucial medicines and supplies reach communities that need them. In Afghanistan, our teams provide healthcare services to the people of Nuristan …

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Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Jordan’s Azraq Camp

International Medical Corps’ community health team conducts monthly shelter-to-shelter visits throughout the villages of Azraq refugee camp in Jordan, providing health education and linking residents with our services, as well as with services provided by other organizations in the camp. Much of this work is done by community health volunteers (CHVs), who also are residents …

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