You’re Pregnant in Gaza. What Happens Next?

Displaced, frightened and cut off from healthcare services, pregnant women in Gaza need urgent assistance. Our field hospital team is saving their lives—and the lives of their babies.

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Lifesaving Care in Mali’s Embattled Douentza Region

In central Mali, Dr. Daniel Coulibaly attends to a young child under a rocky outcropping. The natural shelter in the village of Every provides relative privacy, so community leaders suggested the site for medical consultations and vaccinations. Dr. Daniel is part of an International Medical Corps mobile medical unit (MMU) providing healthcare in Mali’s Douentza …

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Four Decades of Delivering Health and Hope

International Medical Corps was founded 40 years ago in Afghanistan by Dr. Robert Simon and other volunteer doctors and nurses who had one lifesaving mission in mind: deliver vital care, training and supplies to people who need it most, no matter where they are located or how challenging it may be to reach them. During …

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The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

One of the hottest and most inhospitable countries on Earth, Mali is nearly two-thirds desert or semi-desert. Populated primarily by nomadic communities, the northern regions of the country lie deep within the Sahara Desert. In places like these, healthcare is hard to come by. But International Medical Corps is there, operating two mobile medical units …

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November Snapshots 2023

Fighting Period Poverty, Climate Change and Water-borne Disease in Zimbabwe Amid a decade of economic decline in Zimbabwe due to ongoing drought and, more recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, we have delivered quality health and nutrition services to vulnerable people in food-insecure rural areas, contributed to improved nutrition and helped reduce the spread of waterborne diseases …

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Empowering Women and Girls Around the World

In times of crisis, violence against women and girls can escalate. International Medical Corps is at the forefront of preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV) in countries around the world. Our teams offer community-based services not only to prevent violence but also to reduce stigma for survivors and promote women’s empowerment and economic independence. …

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A Trusted Ambulance Service Saves Lives in Mali

Mali has faced insecurity since a 2012 coup d’état caused mass displacement and disruption of public systems, particularly in the northern part of the country around Timbuktu. As instability has spread and the country grows increasingly unstable, crime—particularly robbery and carjacking—has become rampant. Criminals target vehicles owned by government and UN agencies—and even ambulances used …

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Media Coverage
Borgen Magazine

Improving Access to Healthcare in Mali

Dr. Issa Sawadogo of International Medical Corps describes some of the barriers hindering access to healthcare in Mali, as well as efforts to address them.


Returning Home as a Leader and Advocate for Gender Equality

In Mali, gender inequality and gender-based violence (GBV) are entrenched in the culture. International Medical Corps, with funding from USAID, is implementing an integrated GBV response and prevention project that increases access to services for survivors. The project reinforces structural and service-provider capacity while working with communities to reduce the stigma that survivors face, while …

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On the Frontlines of COVID-19 in Mali

Having worked in Mali since 2013 responding to myriad conflict-related humanitarian needs, International Medical Corps is now on the frontlines of the country’s COVID-19 response. The first official case in Mali was confirmed on March 25, and the number of cases quickly spread to several regions of the country, including Timbuktu, one of the areas …

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United against malnutrition, Mali’s mothers are fighting back

January 2020 marked eight years since a violent conflict broke out in the west African nation of Mali, between the government and several insurgent groups in the north, throwing the country into a spiral of seemingly never-ending violence. Though a peace agreement was signed in 2015, conflict in one shape or another has persisted, with …

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