The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Building Trust and Health in Venezuela’s Indigenous Communities

When International Medical Corps staff members visit the small and remote villages in the Orinoco River Basin of Venezuela, the local populations are eager to learn how to take care of their health. Without easy access to the state healthcare system, our mobile medical units (MMUs) often provide the best—and only—access to healthcare services and …

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April Snapshots 2024

Providing Health Services in Venezuela Venezuela’s severe economic crisis has weakened its healthcare system, with many health facilities lacking the basic supplies needed to provide primary healthcare and to prevent and treat illnesses. In addition to providing staff to conduct medical consultations, we’ve helped to strengthen the health system in Venezuela by providing training for …

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March Snapshots 2024

Supporting Earthquake-Affected Communities in Morocco Six months after a 6.8-magnitude earthquake shook Morocco—the country’s deadliest since 1960 and the most powerful in more than a century— we’re still on the ground working with local authorities and partners to provide support in the areas affected by the quakes. When the quake hit, we immediately sent an …

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A Shared Global Vision: Our Top 10 Images from 2023

Like so many recent years, 2023 was a year of challenge and heartbreak for too many communities worldwide—wars rage on, the dangerous effects of climate change are on the rise and millions of people have been displaced from their homes, facing an uncertain future. Yet with the help of our global community of generous supporters, …

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October Snapshots 2023

Responding to the Cholera Outbreak in Ethiopia International Medical Corps works in Ethiopia to provide treatment for malnourished children as well as programs in food security, livelihoods, comprehensive healthcare, and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Ethiopia is one of several countries experiencing recurrent cholera outbreaks. Cholera is a waterborne disease spread by eating food or …

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Snapshots March 2022

Providing Relief to People Affected by the War in Ukraine Our team is expanding its relief efforts inside Ukraine in response to the war there, as well as in neighboring countries, to provide medical, mental health and protection services to the millions of people affected by the conflict. In Poland, our team conducted a series …

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A Multi-Faceted Approach to Mental Health and Well-being in Venezuela

Because the ongoing socioeconomic crisis in Venezuela has adversely affected the mental health and general well-being of many of the country’s residents, our Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) team has launched a multi-faceted response to make MHPSS services more available to vulnerable populations, with a goal of reducing suffering, improving well-being and helping people …

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Snapshots January 2022

Fighting COVID-19 Around the World We continue to fight COVID-19 and support vaccination efforts in the US and around the world. Across our global programs, we continue to distribute gowns, masks, face shields and other personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep our first responders, like those pictured below in Venezuela, safe as they continue their …

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Thank You

Your support of our work in 2020 has made it possible for us to respond to COVID-19 across the United States and around the world, to support people and health facilities following the explosion in Lebanon and to continue providing lifesaving health services and training worldwide to communities experiencing conflict, disaster and crisis.

Snapshots October

We Are Responding to Emergencies in Turkey and the Philippines On October 30, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck 8 miles northeast of the Greek island of Samos, mainly affecting the western province and city of İzmir, Turkey. The earthquake has caused severe damage to homes and health facilities. As survivors have gathered in emergency shelters, …

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