At 28 years old, Devi was nine months pregnant when she visited one of International Medical Corps’ Mobile Medical Units in Samaguan – a village in the remote Gorkha district of Nepal. In an ultrasound conducted at the medical unit, International Medical Corps’ doctors found that her baby was breech, which puts a mother and baby at high risk of complications at delivery. Attempts to change the baby’s position failed, and the doctors explained to Devi and her family that she needed to give birth in a hospital that could perform an emergency C-section if needed.
To help ensure a safe and healthy delivery International Medical Corps evacuated Devi via helicopter to the Gorkha District Hospital, along with her husband Sukhman and her 3-year-old daughter Manita. Sukhman and Manita stayed in nearby transitional housing, which allowed the family to remain together. Thankfully, the baby turned days later, allowing Devi to safely deliver a healthy baby girl named Dharshana Tamang.
Once the family was ready, International Medical Corps arranged a helicopter for the family’s return to their village with their new baby girl. Many staff gathered to send the family off with lots of happy goodbyes and to wish them well.

Flying in a helicopter, still a new experience for the family, was difficult for 3-year old Manita, who suffered from motion sickness on the bumpy ride. Devi was also a little unsettled and closed her eyes during take-off, but once in the air she was overtaken by the beautiful vistas of her country from this bird’s eye view.

Once the pilot safely landed the helicopter in a field in Samaguan, extended family members came to greet Devi, Sukhman, Manita and, of course, Dharshana – the newest addition. The family was once again reunited, and a happy reunion it was!