You’re Pregnant in Gaza. What Happens Next?

Displaced, frightened and cut off from healthcare services, pregnant women in Gaza need urgent assistance. Our field hospital team is saving their lives—and the lives of their babies.

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January Snapshots 2024

Creating Accessible Resources in the DRC Years after the official end of a decade-long civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), violence remains pervasive throughout the eastern part of the country. Sexual abuse of women and children continues to escalate, and more than one-third of the population lacks access to basic healthcare. …

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Nepal Rescue Mission Brings Awakening Amid Destruction

As we reflect on International Medical Corps’ 40-year history, we’re highlighting some of the courageous volunteers and staff members who have dedicated their lives over the years to helping others. This profile of Dr. Michael Karch is the first in that series. When planes hit the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, …

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Snapshots March 2021

Continuing to Fight COVID-19 Around the World Responding in the United States In the US, we are supporting 42 hospitals across the country — including in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Puerto Rico and Texas — with a range of services and equipment, including emergency medical field units, supplies and volunteer staff. We are …

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Breaking Down Gender and Generational Gaps in Nepal

Together with the local national non-government group SOLID Nepal, International Medical Corps has trained young volunteers as peer educators to communicate vital—and factual—sexual and reproductive health information to their classmates. The results have been swift and impressive. “The barrier between boys and girls in our school has been broken,” says Saroj Thapa, a 16-year-old boy …

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Mental Health in Nepal

This is the story of Rita, a 34-year-old mother of three, who has battled psychosis for most of her life. Her struggles started as a young girl, but worsened after she stopped taking her medications when her husband moved to India to find higher-paying work. As a child, Rita competed against her younger sister at …

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Mental Health in Nepal

This is the story of Shambu Gurung, a 30-year-old Community Psychosocial Worker (CPSW) employed by a local partner organization helping International Medical Corps implement its Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) programs in Nepal’s Dhading District following the series of major earthquakes that struck Nepal in the spring of 2015, claiming thousands of lives. Shambu …

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Mental Health in Nepal

This is the story of Rohini Prasad Basaula, 45, from the village of Salyantar in the central Nepal district of Dhading near the epicenter of the magnitude 7.8 earthquake that struck Apri 25, 2015. To assist those who survived amid the ruins in Dhading, International Medical Corps provided mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) for …

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Nepal Earthquakes: One Year Later

Thanks to your generous support International Medical Corps continues to support survivors of the Nepal earthquakes, one year later.