Celebrating World Mental Health Day
On October 10, we celebrated World Mental Health Day. Our mental health teams marked the day with events in 16 countries around the world. Take a look back at our activities this year, which focused on the theme “Mental Health in an Unequal World.”

From Relief to Self-Reliance in Haiti
A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck Haiti on August 14, leaving approximately 650,000 people in need of emergency assistance. We have deployed our Emergency Medical Team (EMT) Fixed Type 1 medical facility and staff to Aquin.
After a devastating earthquake struck Haiti 🇭🇹, our Emergency Medical Team (EMT) deployed to provide lifesaving support to people affected by this disaster. Hear from Sue Mangicaro on how our EMT is a gamechanger for our emergency responses⬇️ pic.twitter.com/pYFZ3y9cJR
— International Medical Corps (@IMC_Worldwide) October 30, 2021
As of October 24, our EMT has provided 3,884 medical consultations. Alongside the Ministry of Health and Hospital Referencia d’Aquin, we’re working to promote and coordinate COVID-19 vaccinations for patients and clinic staff. In mid-October, more than 40 people at the clinic received their first dose of the vaccine at no cost.

We’re also providing mental health and gender-based violence (GBV) services and training healthcare providers on GBV and mental health. Learn more.
Fighting COVID-19 Around the World
We continue to fight COVID-19 and support vaccination efforts in the US and around the world.
Vaccine-Awareness Campaigns in Lebanon
Working alongside the Lebanon Ministry of Health, we’re preparing to support vaccination efforts in the country, focusing on raising awareness among vulnerable groups about the vaccine. So far, we’ve reached 51,504 community members through vaccine-awareness campaigns.

Providing Support in India
In India, we’re supporting the immunization efforts of local partners, including Doctors For You, which has deployed teams throughout the country to reach rural populations struggling to access the vaccine. As of October 25, the team had provided more than 5 million doses. Moving forward, we’ll focus on strengthening vaccination efforts by procuring and delivering essential supplies and equipment.

Mental Health and COVID-19 in the DRC
On October 11, our team in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) held awareness sessions in camps for internally displaced people on the importance of mental health, accompanied by messages about the importance of overall physical health and the need to accept the COVID -19 vaccine if it is offered.

Providing Lifesaving Nutrition Services in Yemen and Somalia
Food insecurity has devastating effects. In Somalia, we’re fighting hunger at our malnutrition and stabilization center in Galkacyo South Hospital. Sisters Amina, 4, and Anissa, 5, were both suffering from malnutrition when they came to Galkayo South Hospital. But, with treatment at our stabilization center, they made a full recovery and are happy and healthy again!

With support from USAID, our nutrition and livestock team can provide families in rural Yemen with goats to help keep the whole family nourished. In the picture below, mother Samia and her 5-year-old daughter, Gamela, talk to our team before receiving some goats.

Delivering Critically Needed Supplies in Louisiana
Hurricane Ida, a hurricane so intense that it tied as the fifth-strongest storm ever to hit the US mainland, pummeled the Gulf Coast on August 29. Our team partnered with the United Way of South Louisiana to support door-to-door medical visits. These visits are particularly beneficial for marginalized communities. So far, we’ve delivered more than 750 reusable face masks, 28 generators and power stations, and more.

We also deployed an emergency medical field unit to the basecamp at Legion Park, which is acting as temporary lodging for medical teams providing care to affected residents of Houma, Louisiana. The field unit provides shelter for teams of 6 to 14 volunteers each night.
Continuing to Provide Services in Tigray
Nearly one year into the Tigray conflict, the security situation in northern Ethiopia continues to worsen, and our work to provide health and nutrition services to displaced people in the region is ongoing. We have 21 mobile health and nutrition teams on the ground in Ethiopia, which have reached 678,130 internally displaced people settled in more than 32 displacement sites in the Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions.

Recognizing Global Handwashing Day
On October 15, we celebrated Global Handwashing Day. Handwashing is a crucial first line of defense against COVID-19 and other diseases. But worldwide, billions of people can’t access clean water, which makes water, sanitation and hygiene programs a critical part of our work.
In the midst of the pandemic, 3 in 10 people didn’t have access to a hand hygiene facility in their homes. This leaves over 2.3 billion people at increased risk of COVID-19 & other infections. Our Water, Sanitation & Hygiene teams are working to change that. #GlobalHandwashingDay pic.twitter.com/qsueKH5G3M
— International Medical Corps (@IMC_Worldwide) October 15, 2021