International Medical Corps is training the next generation of midwifery assistants in Bria, Central African Republic (CAR). In partnership with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Higher Education, we opened the Bria Annex Institute in 2024 to train qualified health professionals in this vital role. The school will increase the number of skilled birth attendants in CAR, especially in remote areas, while improving access to quality maternal, newborn and child health services, leading to reduced maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates in CAR.

Since International Medical Corps began the midwife training programme earlier this year, the first cohort of 18 students (15 women and three men) have spent 680 hours learning and practising the fundamentals of labour and delivery, antenatal consultations, postpartum and newborn care, and culturally sensitive care.

The Institute is part of the CAR Ministry of Health’s development project, which makes maternal health a national priority and is designed to strengthen the capacity of community health workers, nurses, doctors and other key medical personnel.

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