The Codes of the Sahara: Bringing Healthcare to Nomadic Communities in Mali

To ensure that our mobile medical units can provide care to Mali’s nomadic communities in the Sahara Desert, we employ guides with an intricate understanding of the desert, like Aboubacrine Ag Assaleh.

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Fighting Against Maternal Mortality in CAR

One of the most important parts of International Medical Corps’ mission involves fostering self-reliance in the communities we serve. To make sure progress can continue long after we finish a humanitarian intervention, we provide ample training so that community members can become first responders themselves. We also build lasting relationships with extraordinary people on the …

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Emergency Response to the Conflict in Sudan

On April 15, clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces erupted in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Due to the conflict, large segments of the population have been completely cut off from essential services, hundreds have been killed nationwide and thousands have been injured. Sudan has long been plagued by tribal …

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MEDCOM Process Speeds Up Medical Commodities Procurement

To speed up the time it takes to get a hold of medical commodities, our Global Logistics and Supply Chain team developed a new process called MEDCOM to reduce the time it takes to process procurement requests—and ensure that our country teams have the supplies they need as quickly as possible. During 2022, we processed …

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From Computer Scientist to Women’s Advocate

During casual conversation, Marie Chantal Gboze laughs generously and speaks with exuberance. It’s inviting. She is the type of person who grabs everyone’s attention at the dinner table with a well-crafted story. When the conversation turns to gender-based violence (GBV) and the gender poverty gap, however, her voice turns passionate and acute—which is still inviting, …

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Empowering Women to Stand Against Violence

One of our gender-based violence (GBV) team’s key programming approaches is to organize a women’s and girls’ safe space (WGSS) in communities, enabling women and girls to gather, share their concerns and rebuild support networks while participating in a range of activities, such as dancing, sports, literacy classes, arts and life-skills training. Through the WGSS, …

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Thank You

Your support of our work in 2020 has made it possible for us to respond to COVID-19 across the United States and around the world, to support people and health facilities following the explosion in Lebanon and to continue providing lifesaving health services and training worldwide to communities experiencing conflict, disaster and crisis.

Snapshots September

We Are Continuing to Fight COVID-19 Around the World Around the world, we’re continuing to help people in need as we adapt our healthcare and training programs to the demands of COVID-19. Responding in the United States In the United States, we’ve partnered with hospitals, clinics and nursing homes in California, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New …

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How Zihera Survived

Political instability has been part of everyday life in the Central African Republic (CAR) for decades. But since conflict broke out in 2013, life has been defined by war. Despite the signing of a peace agreement in February 2019, conflict continues to flare up, often unpredictably and near civilian centers. Today, one in four Central …

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Healthcare for Mothers—and a Pathway to Peace?

The Central African Republic (CAR) often tops lists of the world’s most neglected or forgotten humanitarian crises. One-quarter of its population has been displaced by conflict and more than half desperately need humanitarian support—yet the tragedy remains underreported and aid efforts underfunded. Armed groups control much of the country, outbreaks of violence continue unabated and …

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Serving Conflict-Affected Communities in the Central African Republic

The Central African Republic (CAR)—a landlocked country at the heart of the African continent—remains one of the poorest nations in the world, with only Niger rating lower on the 2018 Human Development Index. Struggling with instability dating back to the 1960s, the current conflict broke out in 2013, leaving an already struggling population in an …

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