Building Global Capacity
Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Protection
As a leading agency for GBV prevention and response in humanitarian settings, we contribute to the development of global guidance and best practices for protecting women and girls from violence and for supporting survivors. In this role, we have supported the development of important resources and standards, including the Inter-Agency GBV Minimum Standards for GBV in Emergencies Programming, the IASC Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action, the Inter-Agency GBV Case Management Guidelines and the Core Competencies for GBV Specialists. We are a core member of the Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility (GBV AoR) under the Global Protection Cluster, and serve on the Gender-Based Violence Information Management System (GBVIMS) Steering Committee and Technical Team. We also serve on the Reference Group for the IASC’s Guidelines for Integrating Gender-Based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Action.
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, we coordinated with other organizations to play an integral role in developing new resources for GBV programs to adapt services and meet new needs, including guidance for GBV Case Management, Women and Girls Safe Spaces and Remote GBV Case Management and Hotlines.
Our Response
Managing GBV Programs in Humanitarian Settings
The GBV AoR “Managing GBV in Emergencies” (MGBViE) global learning program is designed to build a community of competent, informed, connected and well-supported GBV specialists to lead GBV programs in humanitarian settings. Together with the UN Family Planning Association (FPA), we piloted learning materials between 2011 and 2012; since 2016, the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration has helped us lead the multi-phased learning program, which includes:
- Phase I: Self-guided e-learning introductory course available in four languages (English, Spanish, French and Arabic)
- Phase II: Face-to-face training workshop for graduates of Phase I
- Phase III: Continued learning and support through a mentorship initiative and the virtual GBV AoR Community of Practice
The MGBViE program introduces emerging GBV specialists to current standards and evidence, and prepares them to manage GBV programs in different emergency contexts. MGBViE further connects GBV program managers with other specialists, fostering an environment of continuous support and learning to strengthen retention and the quality of GBV interventions.
The GBV AoR Community of Practice (CoP) provides a virtual space for field-centered, experiential learning, and a platform for GBV practitioners across the world to discuss challenges, share information and support one another. International Medical Corps launched the GBV AoR Community of Practice in 2018 through the MGBViE program. It has since grown into an active community of more than 900 members who exchange information daily.
International Medical Corps has trained more than 200 emerging GBV specialists through all phases of the MGBViE learning program.
In surveys conducted six months after the MGBViE in-person training, 100% of graduates rated the usefulness of the training as high or very high, while more than 95% reported increased preparedness to manage a GBV program in an emergency setting.
Through the MGBViE program, 89 emerging GBV specialists have been paired with expert mentors for continued professional support.